
A Guide to Developing a Testing Strategy

Web testing is a difficult topic to discuss primarily because very few people know what it is or what it should accomplish. For our purposes, let’s define it as an agnostic approach to implementing changes. Put another way, testing is a method of generating and validating ideas. This is nothing new to the world of […]

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Five Things Missing From Your 2015 Marketing Strategy

What’s missing from your marketing strategy? 1. A Focus on Mobile I know, I know – you’re tired of hearing about how important mobile is to consumers. You get it! Mobile consistently remains absent from most yearly strategies. Most businesses see mobile as a channel or medium that’s a standard function instead of a human-centric […]

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Content Marketing is the New Branding

Content Marketing has established itself as one of the most effective ways for a company or business to brand itself. This is a result of a significant shift in the way successful companies interact with consumers. This post is going to answer two questions: Why have those interactions shifted? And, more importantly, how can it […]

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The Last Mile of a Project Is Often The Most Important

eCommerce agencies who offer fixed bid arrangements with clients have something in common, the warranty period. I have been doing some thinking about what an incredible opportunity warranty periods are — and with that opportunity comes a critical risk as well. As with just about any other project in the whole world, the final stages […]

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